Friday, July 1, 2011

Interesting Dental Facts-Crystal Lake Dentist

·         32% of Americans cite bad breath as the least attractive trait of their co-workers.

·         38.5 total days an average American spends brushing teeth over lifetime.
73% of Americans would rather go grocery shopping than floss.


60% of people who don’t know that a sore jaw, when combined with chest pain, can signal a heart attack-especially in women.


·         Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least six (6) feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.

·         A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans.

·         Every year, kids in North America spend close to half a billion dollars on chewing gum.

·         The number of cavities in the average mouth is down and people are keeping their teeth longer. 

  People, on average, have healthier mouths than even 10 years ago.  Specifically:
·         —The decline in tooth decay was greatest among kids but holds across every age group.
—Only 40% of  young people age 6 to 19 had ever in their lives had cavities.  That’s down from 50% a decade ago.
—Over the last ten years the proportion of people age 60 who’d lost all their teeth had decreased from 33% to 25%.
—Use of dental sealants, which block tooth decay on the chewing surfaces of kids’ vulnerable molars, was up 64%.  30% of kids had had at least one sealed tooth.
—Adults with post-high-school degrees had an average of three more teeth than those without a high school diploma.
Smokers remain three times more likely than non-smokers to lose all their teeth.  This figure has not changed from a decade ago.
—Socio-economic status plays a definite role in one’s general and dental health….33% of low-income adults have untreated decay.  This compared with 16% of middle- and higher-income 
adults.  19% of kids living in poverty have untreated decay compared with 8% of wealthier kids.

Your Comments are welcome.


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