Monday, July 4, 2011

George Washington and his teeth- Crystal Lake Dental Associates

George Wasington
George Washington, the "Father of our Country".

 On Independence Day, I thought it was appropriate to highlight some of George Washington's life.

Goerge Washington is consistently rated one of the three greatest presidents. He is not smiling or showing teeth is any known photo. Many have suggested that he was a rather grim faced and boring based on his photos. Nothing could be farther from the truth.   James C. Rees, executive director of the Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens, Washington's home in northern Virginia. "Of all the founding fathers, he was the most athletic, the most adventurous and clearly a man of action," Rees said. Washington, contrary to his grim-faced portrait on the dollar bill, was a great dancer and horseman.

George Washington's Dental History

Goerge suffered from tooth trouble from an early age. He suffered toothaches, tooth loss and abcessed teeth most of his life. According to historians, George suffered greatly from mouth pain. He decided to forgo his second inaugural address due to mouth pain. George wore dentures later in life. He had several sets of dentures made over the years. Contrary to popular opinion George Washington "NEVER WORE WOODEN TEETH". 
 A very interesting and complete history of George Wahingtons dental health can be found here.

George Washington's teeth

George Washington's teeth

George Washington's teeth

George Washington's teeth

Some interesting facts about George Washington" *

  • George was the first President to be on a postage stamp. It came out in 1847.
  • George's face is on a quarter and a dollar bill.
  • George wanted to be a sailor when he was young.
  • George planned Washington, D.C. 
  • Math was George's best subject.
  • George didn't want his slaves freed until Martha died.
  • George was President for 8 years.
  • George never had children of his own. He adopted Martha's children, Jack and Patsy.
  • George did not wear a wig. He kept his own brown hair long and powdered it. It was fashionable in his time.
  • Native Americans taught George to walk silently in the woods.
  • George chose to stay with his men in Valley Forge rather that sleep in a comfortable bed.
  • George signed the United States Constitution.
  • George led the Continental Army for no pay.
  • George was only 17 when he became the surveyor of Culpeper County.
  • The Boston Tea Party was not a real party.
  • George started loosing his teeth in his 20s. 
  • George's false teeth were made of elephant ivory, walrus tusk, and human teeth.
  • George was 6'3" tall. He was not the tallest, Lincoln was at 6"4".
  • George's salary as president was $25,000.
  • Martha wintered with her husband during the Revolutionary War. She entertained visiting diplomats and the wives of fellow officers and helped with secretarial duties. She also helped raise money to take care of the troops.
  • George was one of ten Presidents who were generals.
  • George is one of nine Presidents who never went to college.
  • George helped establish one of the first free schools in this country in Alexandria, Virginia 
  • George left property in his will to establish a national university (Washington and Lee University.)

    Have a great Independence Day!!!

    Your Comments are welcome.


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