Monday, January 8, 2018

5 ways to ruin your teeth (besides not brushing and flossing)


 1) problem: Chipped, worn, broken, and loose teeth.

Causes: if you biteing on or chew hard objects like finger nails, ice, hard candy, bones, pens, pencils tongue and lip rings, or any metal object. In addition picking your teeth and gums with hard objects, as well as clenching or grinding your teeth. Trauma to teeth from sports and not wearing mouth guard.

Soution: Obviously do not put hard objects in your mouth (that is what dental professionals are for), also wear a mouthguard or biteplane if you are a clencher/grinder or are playing sports where you may be hit in the mouth.

2) problem: Cavities and abscessed teeth.

Causes:  Eating or sucking on lots of sticky sweet items like jelly beans, raisins, taffy, any     hard candies, sugar cough drops fro long periods.
Solution: These items should be eaten in small quantities and never parked in the cheek. Eating them at meal time can also be helpful. frequent brushing and flossing with fluoride will help.

3) Problem: Cavities and gum disease 

Causes:  A dry mouth from any medication that dries out your mouth, habitually breathing through your mouth due to nasal obstructions.
Solution:  If your airway is restricted, chronically, a consultation with an ENT specialist is needed to correct that problem. If your are taking medications that dry the mouth (over 3,000 medications are known to do this), frequent drinking and rinsing with water of a hydrationg mouth rinse will help.

4) Problem: Acid eroding your enamel (dissolving your teeth)

Cause: Eating and drinking having high acid content like citrus, vinegar, soda pop, also untreated acid reflux, or excessive vomiting
Solution: Restricting high acid content foods and rinsing with water or milk after consuming will help. It is advisable not to brush right away as your teeth need time to remineralize. If you have Acid reflux (GERD), treatment and medication can help with a reduction in stomach acid. Also acid reflux may be a symptom of sleep apnea.

5) Problem: Discolored teeth 

Causes:  from eating and drinking darkly stained foods like red wine, grape juice, coffee, tea, cola, stain from smoking.
Solution: Refraining from these food choices or going smokeless can help prevent staining. S
ome tooth whitening toothpastes or applications can help greatly as well as a good cleaning from your dentist.

Call for an appointment 815 459 2292
Dr Neal answers all of your questions regarding your dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

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  1. What we eat and drink on a daily basis has a direct effect on the color of our teeth. It’s common knowledge that more intense colored beverages are likely to stain teeth, such as black coffee and red wine, but even lighter colored beverages can promote staining. It is the chromogens in food and beverages that cause stains – intensely pigmented molecules that adhere to tooth enamel. Foods that are higher in acid cause discoloration of teeth by breaking down tooth enamel and increasing the effect of chromogens. Since what we consume has the biggest impact on our pearly whites, we present the Top Ten culprits that stain teeth.

    Black Coffee : Combat the staining affect from the tannins and acidity by adding milk and cream.

    Berries : Not only dark-colored berries such as blueberries and blackberries cause stains, but also light-colored berries because of the high amount of chromogens. This includes fruit juices too, particularly cranberry juice.

    Wine : It is the tannins, acid and chromogens that cause stains from red and white wine.

    Tomato Sauce : It is the acid and pigments that stain your teeth.

    Soya sauce : Great with sushi, but the deep-colored sauce sticks to your teeth, causing stains.

    Balsamic Vinegar : Like soya sauce, it clings to your teeth.

    Tea : Would you believe, black tea is worse than coffee. Switch to less staining teas such as herbal, white and green.

    Soda Drinks : It is the acidity, sugars, and chromogens in carbonated beverages that promote staining, including light-colored beverages.

    Sports Drinks : Again, it is the high acidity that softens the tooth enamel, leading to easier staining.

    Candy : Any sweets that change the color of your tongue will stain your teeth due to the coloring agents.

    Now, we best dental clinic in Delhiare not saying to cut out these foods and beverages from your diet as some have proven health benefits, however, you may want to ease up on the quantities. To avoid staining your teeth with such produce, always have a sip of water or chew sugarless gum after consuming. Another trick is to use a straw when drinking sodas and juices. Though not the best idea when it comes to wine and coffee. Best tip of all, brush your teeth properly, floss and have professional dental cleanings twice a year to remove hardened tartar and stubborn stains. Staying away from tobacco products is probably a good idea too!


  2. Thank you for adding to the pool of knowledge!

  3. It’s common knowledge that more intense colored beverages are likely to stain teeth, such as black coffee and red wine, but even lighter colored beverages can promote staining. boot camp are very important to make fit anyone on regular basis.

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