Friday, May 13, 2011

shape up your smile for summer


As summer approaches, we begin thinking of getting in shape. Most of us are attending pool parties, barbeques, graduation parties, weddings, and all sorts of social events. We want to look and feel our best when we are out. Looking good includes a beautiful healthy smile.

 Perhaps you have just graduated and/or will be job hunting soon. A great smile is one of the best things you can show up for a job interview with.

Here are a few ways to get our smile in shape

Professional Cleaning
Having your teeth professionally cleaned can remove stain  and tarter buildup from foods, drinks and tobacco. Remember that healthy gums are also an important part of a healthy smile.

Dull  dingy teeth are  brightened with tooth whitening

A simple whitening procedure either with at home trays or one in office professional ZOOM® treatment can take years off your smile.

For chipped, decayed , worn, discolored teeth bonding, veneers or crowns are the answer

Bonding, veneers and crowns can correct decay, broken teeth and cover up discoloration. Worn teeth can regain their shape with veneers and crowns. Missing teeth can be replaced with implants and bridges.  We have many new materials and methods to correct almost any situation and give you a dazzling smile.

For crowding, spacing , rotated teeth , or a crooked smile can be improved with Invisalign®, or Rapid Clear Braces

The newer technology of Invisalign® and Rapid Clear Braces can move teeth quickly and with virtually no one noticing that you are getting your  teeth straightened.

Snap-ON Smile® can dramatically change a smile in an instant

If  you need a significant change in your smile quickly, a Snap-ON-Smile® may be for you.
A Snap-ON-Smile® can cover up decayed , missing, discolored teeth and change the color of all of your teeth at once. It can also correct some misalignment of teeth also. A Snap-ON-Smile® is an economical  way to dramatically give you a new smile.

These procedures can be combined to obtain a terrific result
Depending on the situation, often a combination of procedures offers the best outcome and most stable result. There is a logical sequence to a treatment plan depending on the situation and the desired result.
After you have that gorgeous smile you may want to invest in a custom mouthguard to wear for athletics  or while sleeping if you grind our teeth at night to make sure you get the maximum smiles out of your investment.

Do your homework and find the right cosmetic dentist
Dentists do not receive much cosmetic training in dental school. Dentist are not required to learn cosmetic  dentistry in order to treat patients. Not every dentist has the skill and experience to offer a cosmetic solution that will be right for you. All of these fine services are available at Crystal Lake Dental Associates, and  Dr. Neal has had extensive training in Cosmetic Dentistry.

Your Comments are welcome.

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