February is National Children's Dental Health Month.
Here area few tips to remember about your chldren's teeth
1) Brush and floss twice a day
If your child is under age 8, you should be asssting the child in this.
Infants should be using a very small amount of a non fluoridated children's toothpaste. At about age 2 you can use a fluoridated toothpase with a RICE sized amount of paste on the brush.when a child is able to spt, you can go to a PEA sized amount of toothpaste.
2) Watch the intakeof sweets especially between meals.
3) Never put a baby down witha bottle of liquid other than water.
4) Encourage children to develop other security methods than finger sucking and pacifiers when possible.
These objects in themouth for long periods of time will alter thes hape of the mouth considerably leading to malocclusions whtich can be very hard to correct.
5) As soon as the first tooth arrives, begin taking the child to the dentist to help cement a positive relationship and encourage proper nutrition and hygiene habits.
6) Children should see the dentist twice a year.
Call for an appointment 815 459 2292
Dr Neal answers all of your questions regarding your children's dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.https://www.crystallakedentalassociates.com
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