Sunday, December 3, 2017

8 reasons you should consider a dental implant

beautiful smile

1 Does Not Involve Neighboring Teeth
   All other tooth replacement options involve either drilling on other teeth for fixed bridges and some removable partial dentures or using the other teeth for retention of removable appliances. Neighboring teeth may develop decay and fracture more easily or require root canal treatment in time.Dental Implants use a root shaped titanium screw that goes in the same area as the missing tooth root.

2 Stimulates Bone Development

     Whenever a tooth is lost, the bone begins to shrink as it no longer is stimulated by the tooth root during chewing. In fact the bone is stimulated negatively by chewing as pressure causes bone resorption. This bone loss can cause an unsightly situation and make restoring the area more difficult. Dental implants stimulate the bone through chewing.

3 Very Strong

     Dental implants are made from a Titanium allow and are extremely strong.

4 Keeps Teeth From Shifting

     A restored dental implant is both a place holder and a working partner. This keeps teeth from shifting out of place which can lead to food trapping,  cavities, and gum disease.

5 Helps Distribute Chewing Force

     Most people have between 28 and 32 teeth that distribute chewing forces evenly through the mouth. The back teeth do the majority of the power chewing while the front teeth are more involved in tearing food, but the entire set of teeth work in harmony. When teeth are missing theirs creates problems in speech, esthetics and harmony of the biting and chewing of food. In addition, missing teeth can lead to muscle imbalance and TMJ problems

6 Non-allergenic Materials

     Then titanium alloy implant, and Titanium alloy abutment, and Zirconium restorative materials we use contain no nickel or other allergenic materials.

7 Looks Natural

     Properly placed dental implant crowns can be undetectable in your smile.

8 Cost Effective

     Constant innovation and competition in the dental implant industry is helping to lower the cost of dental implants dramatically. Implant parts have come down in cost up to 800% in some cases allowing doctors to keep the cost down for the patient In addition, the innovations in implant design are shortening the treatment time and improving the result.

Call for an appointment 815 459 2292

We place and  restore dental implants. Dr Neal answers all of your questions regarding your dental implants and dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Feel free to add comments.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

7 GREAT Ways to Spread Christmas Cheer

Toys for Tots

1) Toys for Tots:

Toys for needy children are collected at drop-off locations all over the country. This organization is run by the United States Marine Core Reserve. This year we are partnering with Toys for Tots as a drop off location. If we can collect  toys by December 18th, Dr. Neal gets a pie in the face. The event will be on video for the world to see. Tune back in to see.

2) AngelTREE:

AngelTREE is a program donating toys to children who have a parent in prison during the holidays. You can pick a child to sponsor, or go to the website to make a donation. This is a Christian Organization.
Christmas Spirit Foundation

3) Christmas Spirit Foundation:

This organization provides hundreds of Christmas trees each year to troops stationed overseas who won't be home for Christmas and also delivers trees to military bases for members of the military and their families to receive a free Christmas tree. You can go to the Website to make a donation.

4) Make A Wish:

 There are many ways to help make the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions come true. They partners with many companies during the holidays with promotions. For example, drop off a letter to Santa at any Macy's and the store will donate $1 per letter to Make-A-Wish. Shop at the Disney Store, rent a car, buy a car, book your air travel or have your kids make a Christmas gift wish list at Toys R Us for money to automatically be donated to Make-A-Wish.
My Two Front Teeth

5) My Two Front Teeth:

They and the Family Giving Tree charities joined forces to help more children. To help a child, visit either website to see the children's names, ages, their gift wishes and how much it will cost to give the child that particular present. 
Operation Christmas Child

6) Operation Christmas Child:

What can you pack in a shoe box? Christmas for children around the world. Pack a standard-sized shoe box, pick the child's age group your gifts are appropriate for and fill the box with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, apparel, and a personal note This is a Christian Organization operated by Samaritan's Purse,

Salvation Army

7) Salvation Army:

This Organization has  helpers in front of your favorite stores tinging their bells and next to their famous donation kettle. you can also donate clothes toys and other items to their drop off sites or arrange for pickup. The salvation army assists in many local charitable ways from food programs, to donations of items, clothes, toys and bill paying. you can also donate online. This is a Christian organization.

A more complete article about these organizations can be found here.

This year we are partnering with Toys for Tots as a drop off location. If we can collect  toys by December 18th, Dr. Neal gets a pie in the face. The event will be on video for the world to see. Tune back in to see.

Call for an appointment 815 459 2202

We can take care of all of your families dental needs at Crystal Lake Dental Associates

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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Veterans Day 9 amazing facts

Image result for veterans day

One of my hobbies is studying history as well as famous people who shape it.
There is a popular saying about studying history in order to learn from it and not  repeat it’s mistakes. As we celebrate Veterans Day, I thought I would share some interesting facts about the United States and its military history. Before I begin, I want to state that I am not advocating military conflict or war, but just reviewing the situations that our country has faced in the past roughly 240 years.

1)    Veterans Day (Armistice Day) was first celebrated on was November  11 1919 as the annual celebration of the end of World War One.

2)    The Unites States has been involved in about 103  wars since declaring Independence from England.

3)    Approximately 1.35 million American soldiers have been killed in action in these wars.

4)    Listed in descending order are the approximate number of American soldiers killed in various major wars:

War                             Americans killed      dates

a.    Civil War                                 625,000                       1861-1865
b.    World War Two                      405,000                       1941-1945
c.    World War One                      116,000                        1917-1918
d.    Vietnam War                            58,000                        1955-1975
e.    Korean War                              36,000                        1950-1953
f.     Revolutionary War                   25,000                        1775-1783
g.    War of 1812                              20,000                        1812-1815
h.    Mexican-American War          13,000                        1846-1848
i.      Iraq/Afghanistan Wars             6,800                         2001-ongoing
j.      Spanish American War            2,450                          1898

5)    Statistics about World War One:

a.    32 Countries involved
b.    About 10,000,000 soldiers killed
c.    About 25,000,000 total killed
d.    Americans killed were about 4% of the total lost in the war
e.    War lasted 1,568 days
f.     14,700 people died a day

 6)    Statistics about World War Two:

a.    Over 100 countries involved
b.    About 25,000,000 soldiers killed
c.    About 80,000,000 people killed
d.    Russia and China combined lost about 40,000,000 people
e.    Americans killed totaled about .5% of the total lost in the war
f.     War lasted 2,190 days
g.    About 36,000 died a day

 7)    Both world wars combined contributed to the loss of about 100 million people of which 35 million were soldiers.

 8)    26 of our 45 US presidents have served in the military.

 9)    9 of our US presidents were war heroes:

      a. George Washington
b.  Andrew Jackson
c. Zachary Taylor
d. Ulysses S. Grant
e. Theodore Roosevelt
f. Dwight D. Eisenhower
g. John F. Kennedy
h. Gerald Ford
i. George H. W. Bush

All of us at Crystal Lake Dental Associates wish you a happy and safe Veterans Day.

Call for an appointment 815 459 2292

Dr Neal and his team answers all of your questions regarding your dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Please feel free to add comments

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Thanksgiving 9 Little Known facts

When I think of thanksgiving, my memories begin at my grandparents whitewashed brick home in he suburbs of Detroit. The traditional turkey, dressing, cranberry gel, mashed potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie were always there in abundance..  Somehow I always got a drumstick on my plate back then.
Thanksgiving celebrations actually have long and varied history. Below are 10 facts about thanksgiving feasts that may surprise you.

1) Thanksgiving feasts were not begun by the pilgrims of the Mayflower. Thanksgiving feasts are a tradition that goes back thousands of years. These celebrations were usually the result of celebrating the harvest or a military victory and would be declared by a governing body or group of people at various times of the year and often several times in the same year. these celebrations were celebrated in Europe, Africa, Middle East as well as in America by local native tribes before the pilgrims first celebration  in 1621 Spanish explorers in the New World had celebrations 1500's.

2) The first Thanksgiving recorded at the Plymouth Plantation group from the Mayflower lasted 3 days and most of the participants were native Indians (56 colonists and 91 Indians). According to written records the Indian tribes of the area were instrumental in helping the pilgrims survive and have a good harvest.

3)  Many items currently served at Thanksgiving dinner were not part of the first Thanksgiving meals at Plymouth Plantation. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes , bread based stuffing, bread, cookies, crackers, cake. milk, cream, cheese, butter, cranberries, anything made with sugar, and pumpkin pie were not on the first Thanksgiving menu. None of these items were available at the time. Wild turkey, ducks, geese and swans. Herbs, onions or nuts might have been added to the birds for extra flavor. Five deer were contributed by the local Indians. Deer was roasted on a spit over a smoldering fire and that the colonists might have used some of the venison to whip up a hearty stew. Onions, beans, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, carrots and perhaps peas corn, blueberries, plums, grapes, gooseberries, raspberries may also have been at the table. Mussels, lobster, bass, clams and oysters might also have been part of the feast. Pumpkins and other squashes were available for roasting eating with honey.

4) George Washington, our first president,  proclaimed Thanksgiving as a National Holiday for November 25th in 1789. Many local communities, colonies and states declared and celebrated a"A Day of Thanksgiving on different days. Thanksgiving was declared annually as a National Holiday as the 4th Thursday of November, and for some years, it was the 5th Thursday as some years had 5 Thursdays in November. A few states celebrated on the 3rd Thursday in November.

5) Abraham Lincoln unified the lastThursday in November for all states.  This proclamation was done in 1863 in the middle of the Civil War. Several states in the north were continuing to celebrate Thanksgiving on different dates.

6) Franklin Roosevelt declared the 4th Thursday must be the national holiday of Thanksgiving. In the height of the depression making Thanksgiving the 4th Thursday had helped businesses begin the Christmas shopping season as early as possible.  At this time in history, it was not proper to begin advertising Christmas goods and sales before Thanksgiving.

7) Thanksgiving Day Parades did not start with Macy's in New York. The first official Thanksgiving Day Parade was started in 1920 in Philadelphia sponsored by Gimbel's Department Store. It is the oldest running Thanksgiving Day Parade in the country featuring floats, bands, and giant balloons. Both Macy's  of New York and Hudson's of Detroit started in 1924. Prior to any official parades, many people would dress up and wander the streets in their communities on Thanksgiving greeting people.

8)  Football on Thanksgiving did not start with the National Football League. Hundreds of Thanksgiving day games had already been played on Thanksgiving prior to the National
Football League's first Thanksgiving Day game in The very first Thanksgiving Day football game took place between Rutgers and Princeton in Philadelphia in 1869. Detroit Lions became a host traditional team for Thanksgiving games in 1934. Dallas became one in 1966, and in 2006 a rotating evening game has been added.

9)  Black Friday has not always meant the first day of profitability for retail stores.  One other version of Black Friday refer to  a post Thanksgiving sale of  African slaves in Southern States in the 1800's. Another version refers to the pandemonium of shoppers pickpockets, and thieves descending on Philadelphia for the start of the discounted shopping season in the 1950's. A third version of Black Friday relates the crash of the gold market of September 24 1869 caused be 2 speculators buying up all of the gold reserves leading to a collapse of Wall Street investments and a depression. Black friday now actually now starts on Thursday and lasts till Cyber Monday 4 days later. Actually the Saturday before Christmas is the most profitable day for merchants.

All of us at Crystal Lake Dental Associates wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving and Holiday Season.

Call for an appointment 815 459 2292

Dr Neal and his team answers all of your questions regarding your dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Please feel free to add comments

Monday, October 30, 2017

4 Tips for Halloween Treats

Haloween candy collected in large amounts

Dentists know a lot of candy will be eaten over the coming weeks by people of all ages, so there’s no need to try to hide it! Instead, here are some timely facts so that you can still enjoy the Halloween season and all the sweets and treats that come along with it, just with less guilt and hopefully, minimal damage to your teeth.
Best time to be sinful: While anytime may be the preferred time to eat candy, there’s a more strategic way to indulge without ruining your teeth. Having candy at the end of a meal will lessen the chance of eating too much of it. That’s also when your mouth has the most saliva going so it can help rinse away some of the sugary residues from your teeth.
Risky candies: Some sweets are less harmful to your teeth than others, so before you dig into your candy mountain, remember that lollipops and jawbreakers can chip teeth and take more time to dissolve, leaving sugar coating your mouth for a longer time. Caramels, chewy candies and even dried fruit can get stuck in between teeth and speed up tooth decay.
Liquid sugar threats: Sugar isn’t just in candy, it’s also in fruit juices, pop, and mixed alcohol-based drinks, so follow up your sweet drink with water or chew sugar-free gum to neutralize sugar and acids.
Clean up the crime scene: There is a right way to care for your teeth after raiding the candy stash and it isn’t running to the washroom to brush immediately. Because the process of eating softens tooth enamel, it’s best to wait 30 minutes before giving your teeth a good brush and floss to make sure all sugar and candy are removed from the surface and crannies of your teeth.

*This article is a reprint from the Ontario Dental Association
Call for an appointment 815 459 2292

Dr Neal and his team answers all of your questions regarding your dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Please feel free to add comments

Monday, October 23, 2017

3 Keys to Maximize Dental Insurance

Dental insurance can be confusing

1) know your policy maximums, inclusions, and exclusions

Every policy has a maximum annual allowance benefit. Lets say it is$1,500 per year. That means the policy will pay out to a maximum of $1,500 per year for dental care. If the policy is a PPO plan, this amount is paid at a rate that is pre-determined through an agreement between the insurance company and the doctor. In other words the fees the doctor charges you and the plan are determined by the insurance company.
 Dental insurance plans are usually  negotiated  between an employer and the insurance company. The employer is trying to get the best plan for a set premium (cost). The premium  of the plan determines what procedures will be covered,  For example a lower premium plan may not cover braces, or dental implants,  or have a lower annual maximum payment. It may also not cover replacement of missing teeth that were lost prior to being insured and so on. The patient may still have the procedures done, but the insurance company will not be helping pay for it.

2) know your anniversary dates and waiting periods

Insurance plans usually reload on January 1, but your plan may have a different anniversary date. Some plans have a waiting period for more costly (major) services.  If there is one and you have a major service done before that date, it will not be paid by insurance.

3) know which providers are in your plan.

Providers will either be in your network of out  of your network.  In network doctors are usually all reimbursed the same for the same procedure. Out of network doctors are paid less and are usually able to charge a higher rate for a procedure as they are not contracted to charge the PPO fee. In our area very few specialists are signed up with any of the PPO plans. If you are referred to a specialist, your PPO plan may not apply.

In addition, there are some HMO type plans in existence, but only a few doctors take them due to the extremely low reimbursement rate.

Call for an appointment 815 459 2292

Dr Neal and his team answers all of your questions regarding your dental insurance and dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Please feel free to add comments

Saturday, October 14, 2017

3 Health Benefits of Straight Teeth

Health Benefits of Straight Teeth 

You may be surprised to know that the benefits of having properly aligned teeth extend far beyond a confident smile. According to the American Dental Association, straightening your teeth can actually significantly affect your overall dental health.1 Think about it — a smile can hardly be perfect if it's not a healthy one. Fortunately, with Invisalign®, having a confident smile and reducing your risk for tooth decay and gum disease go hand in hand.

Healthier Teeth and Gums

Swollen, red gums can often be the result of having teeth that are crowded or too widely spaced. Unfortunately, these are also signs of periodontal disease. When teeth are properly aligned, it helps the gums fit more securely around the teeth, allowing for the strongest and healthiest defense against potential periodontal problems. That’s where Invisalign comes in. The comfortable and clear aligners gently and gradually begin to move your teeth into the proper position — without unsightly brackets and wires.

Easier Cleaning

One of the biggest challenges of having braces is removing all the food that gets trapped in the brackets and wires. This can often lead to plaque buildup and eventually tooth decay. With Invisalign, the aligners are removable, so it’s easy to continue brushing and flossing your teeth the way you normally do.

Overall Health

Think of your teeth as a window to the health of your body. Your teeth and gums — and how they look to others when you smile—say a lot about your overall health. If you're taking good care of both, you're probably taking good care of the rest of you.

Tooth decay and gum disease are caused by bacteria. Left untreated, they can cause mouth sores, tender or bleeding gums, bad breath, and possible tooth loss. Studies by the American Dental Association have shown that oral infections can also lead to other more serious ailments such as heart disease,2 stroke,3 pneumonia4 and diabetes.5 Invisalign aligners make daily oral hygiene easier, thus reducing the risk of possible problems. And correctly aligned teeth can also alleviate the issues that can be caused by an improper bite, speech or chewing difficulties, jaw problems, and increased wear on the tooth enamel. Invisalign effectively addresses all of these orthodontic issues, so you'll have the confidence of a great smile and increase the likelihood of improved oral health.


Call for an appointment 815 459 2292

Dr Neal answers all of your questions regarding your child's smile and dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Watch your mouth: How bad teeth can knock out kids’ school success

Reprint of original story in the Freso Bee


SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 1:57 PM

Julian started a fight at school today. The kids teased him again. He knew his teeth looked bad, and he talked funny. He knew he shouldn’t fight. However, today was the final teasing straw that broke the camel’s back and Julian took a swing.

You may think this is about bullying, but it is not. It concerns the unintended consequences of poor dental hygiene. We often think of oral health as not very important. However, it has far-reaching impacts we need to understand and prevent.

First, early breakdown of frontal teeth can prevent children from refining certain sounds in their speech.

Second, tooth decay can be very painful. The pain can make eating, sleeping and concentrating difficult.

Third, the physical appearance of tooth decay is a source of embarrassment and can make it difficult to form and maintain healthful social relationships.

Several common practices lead to tooth decay: giving bottles of milk or juice to babies as they fall asleep; not brushing and flossing or doing it incorrectly; drinking too many sugary beverages such as sodas and fruit drinks; and not seeing a dentist for cleaning and treatment.

We’ve all heard advertisements for dental care that tell us a healthy mouth is more than an attractive smile. The fact is, oral health is an issue of huge significance to our personal and public health. Not only is our mouth the portal to our digestive system, but it also serves a key role in our personal interactions and socialization and is a major point of introduction of infection and chronic inflammation.

Poor oral health, in the primary form of dental caries (tooth decay or cavities) in children, can affect our individual and collective well-being in an astounding variety of ways.

Dental caries is a communicable disease to which all ages are susceptible. Dental caries occur when bacteria residing in plaque, which has developed on tooth surfaces, convert carbohydrates to acidic by-products. The result is a lower local pH which causes, over extended periods, the leeching of important minerals from the tooth and subsequent collapse of the enamel substructure known as cavities.

Dental caries causes pain and discomfort that affects nutrition, communication, socialization and sleeping, all of which affect our overall health and well-being. Additionally, dental caries can result in absence from work and school, leading to reduced income and lower academic performance.

In children, particularly, caries can lead to psychological, learning and self-esteem difficulties that severely impact their social development. Finally, dental caries can lead to infection and abscess formation that can be life-threatening.

In adults, gum disease is associated with other chronic inflammation diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. In a recent study, individuals with serious gum disease were 40 percent more likely to have another chronic medical condition as well.

There is also a possible association between periodontitis and bacterial pneumonia, stroke, preterm birth and low birth weight, and pancreatic cancer.

The Fresno County Department of Public Health, Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission, and Reading and Beyond, are working together to provide youths in Fresno County with dental services. If you are on Medi-Cal and would like to schedule an initial or follow-up appointment for your child, please call 844-421-3484. Services are available throughout Fresno County.

As your Fresno County health officer, I urge you to protect your health and well-being by:

▪  Brushing at least twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush.

▪  Flossing at least once a day.

 ▪  Reducing your consumption of sugary drinks.

▪  Regularly visiting a dental provider for cleaning and examination (at least once a year).

 ▪  Modeling and teaching these habits to your children.

click here to view original article

Call for an appointment 815 459 2292

Dr Neal answers all of your questions regarding your child's smile and dental health at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

5 Oral Health Musts for Caregivers

As a Caregiver, you may have to assist or even take a hands-on approach to dental care. It’s important to point out that when caring for someone’s overall health, their dental health is often just as critical. Preventing infections, dental pain, and other oral complications can help to improve or maintain a person’s quality of life.
Thoroughly removing plaque and germs from all surfaces of the teeth promotes gum health and helps prevent cavities. 

5 Tips for oral care

  • For those with their natural teeth, it is ideal to brush twice daily (or at least once a day) using a soft bristled toothbrush. If a person is unable to brush on his or her own, a power toothbrush may be a helpful tool in many cases – though it will likely take some practice when you start using it on someone else! If the person is able to spit after brushing,
  •   Fluoride toothpaste is a great choice. For individuals with swallowing problems (or those unable to spit), brushing with water is also an option.
  • Flossing (or using other interdental tools) to clean between the teeth every day cleans where a toothbrush can’t reach and is extremely important in preventing decay.
Visually examining the teeth and gums and soft tissues once a week can catch potentially serious problems early.
  • Using a disposable dental mirror* and penlight, examine soft tissues of the mouth for sores red or white spots on the gums, cheek, palate, and tongue. Red or white areas in the mouth that do not clear up should be seen referred to your dentist for evaluation.
  • Examine also for broken teeth and missing fillings.

6 tips for full and partial dentures

  • Dentures and partials need to be cleaned every day. 
  • Removed overnight and soaked in a denture soak.
  • They should be brushed with a soft bristled brush that is designed for dentures. 
  • Don’t use regular toothpaste to clean dentures- it is likely too abrasive and may cause damage. You can use mild dishwashing liquid to clean them if commercial cleaners are not available. 
  • When you are cleaning dentures, do so over a towel. This can prevent breakage if they drop in the sink or onto the floor. 
  • If dentures do not fit well, be sure to visit your dentist. Ill-fitting dentures can cause sores and can lead a person to stop eating from discomfort.
  • Over the counter moisturizing products are available
  • Fluoride rinses of concentrated prescription strength fluoride toothpaste prevent cavities when used consistently.
  • Regular dental examinations can help to identify problems before they cause unnecessary pain.
  • In addition, professional cleanings are necessary to maintain natural teeth and avoid gum infections or gum disease.
Dentures and removable partials require special care to keep them clean, free from damage, and fitting well.

4 Additional tips and recommendations

We all need saliva to moisten and cleanse our mouths, and to digest food. Dry mouth can be caused by medical conditions, as a side effect of many medications, or from certain medical treatments (such as chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer). Dry mouth can cause discomfort and lead to a dramatic increase in dental decay over a short time. 

  • Over the counter moisturizing products are available
  • Fluoride rinses of concentrated prescription strength fluoride toothpaste prevent cavities when used consistently.
  • Regular dental examinations can help to identify problems before they cause unnecessary pain.
  • In addition, professional cleanings are necessary to maintain natural teeth and avoid gum infections or gum disease.

A great resource for Caregivers, “Dental Care Every Day: A Caregiver’s Guide” can be found online on the website for the National Institute of Health at:

Preventive measures go a long way when it comes to dental health, leading to better overall health.

*Disposable mouth mirrors can be found at Amazon if you follow this link

Dr Neal can advise you in your  oral health caregiving. at Crystal Lake Dental Associates

815 459 2202

Your comments are welcome

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014

Friday, September 8, 2017

5 reasons to replace a missing tooth

Reasons to replace missing teeth include:

1) Your jaw bone around a missing tooth deteriorates  causing receeding gums 
2) Your neighboring  teeth will  leading to spacing, cavities, and gum disease
3) Your remianing teeth will work harder causing more wear and breakage
4) Your muscles of your jaw will work differently to compensate for changes in your bite
5) Missing teeth change support for your smile and lower face leading to a sunken in appearance

Millions of Americans are missing teeth

According to the American College of Prosthodontics:
More than 36 million Americans do not have any teeth, and 120 million people in the U.S. are missing at least one tooth. These numbers are expected to grow in the next two decades.
Tooth loss happens from decay and gums disease, and as a result of injury, cancer, or simply wear.
Edentulism affects our most vulnerable populations – the aging and the economically disadvantaged.
In the geriatric population the ratio of edentulous individuals is 2 to 1. About 23 million are completely edentulous and about 12 million are edentulous in one arch.
90 percent of those who suffer from edentulism have dentures.
The number of partially edentulous patients will continue to increase in the next 15 years to more than 200 million individuals. Partial edentulism affects the majority of adult Americans.
Consequences of missing teeth include significant nutritional changes, obesity, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and some forms of cancer. More than 36 million Americans do not have any teeth, and 120 million people in the U.S. are missing at least one tooth. These numbers are expected to grow in the next two decades.

There are many options available to replacing missing teeth including implants, fixed bridges, removable partials and dentures

Dr Neal can go over these options with you and help you have a beautiful healthy smile at Crystal Lake Dental Associates

815 459 2202

Your comments are welcome

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Stress and Your Teeth

Last week it was reported that actress Demi Moore had lost her two front teeth because of stress. Experts have said that the number one cause of tooth loss is gum disease, of which stress can be a factor. Here are 7 other ways stress could be taking it's toll on your teeth..

1. Translucent teeth
"If you notice that your teeth are becoming translucent or getting shorter this may be due to Bruxism (grinding) of the teeth. You should see your dentist as you may need a bite guard to protect the teeth from wearing further."

2. Achy jaw
"If you feel an ache or clicking in your jaw joint this may be a sign of stress. Seek advice from your dentist and you may need a treatment for the jaw, such as a special splint or even Botox to relax the muscle."

3. Bleeding gums
"If you notice your gums are bleeding more this can be a sign of gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis), which can be caused or exacerbated by stress. See your dentist and you may need some gum treatment such as deep cleaning (root planing) under the gums."

4. Dental abscesses
"Dental abscesses can be caused as during times of stress your body can be unable to fight of gum infections. Seek advice from your dentist and you may need antibiotics or further treatment for this."

5. Root canal problems
Root canal problems can be caused by stress if the grinding becomes so severe that the nerves of the teeth are exposed. Root canal treatment may then be needed to remove the nerve from the teeth.

6. Bad breath
Bad breath can be a sign of stress. Stomach acids can build during times of stress and lead to reflux and other compounds that causes bad breath. You will need to see your GP for this and may need treatment with antacids or other medication. This may even require further investigation of the stomach lining."

7. Cheek biting
"Cheek biting is a sign of stress. For some people this is a habit that is developed to cope with stress. Acupuncture or hypnosis are some of the treatments that can be used to help relax and prevent this.

8. Shortened teeth
Shortening of teeth is a symptom of bruxism (tooth grinding). This most often occurs at night called “sleep bruxism”. Sleep bruxism has also been associated with Obstructive sleep apnea. It can also occur in the daytime during times of increased stress.

9. Broken teeth and broken fillings
Clenching of teeth at night or in the daytime  will bend teeth and fracture them and any fillings in them. This can lead to the need for fillings, crowns, root canals, and tooth loss over time if not corrected.

815 459 2202

Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about Stress and your teeth  at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Your comments are welcome

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Autism Tests on Baby Teeth Promising

Autism and high lead. low zinc, and manganese

New test to identify babies with autism identify heavy traces of lead and lack of zinc and manganese...

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Laser detection of metals

A new study may have found a way to isolate genetics from environmental contributors to autism, allowing researchers to focus on the link between heavy metal levels and autism risk. The research was led by Manish Arora, PhD, an environmental scientist and dentist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, NY, and the findings were published in the journal Nature Communications.
Such studies have had to approximate the toxic metal exposure based on the metal concentrations in the bloodstream. However, this estimation was done after the children had already been diagnosed with ASD, rather than before.
Previous studies were not able to account for genetic factors that may have influenced the results; generally, separating environmental factors from genetic ones in the development of autism is challenging for researchers.
The method used in this new study manages to bypass many of these limitations. By looking at naturally shed baby teeth, the researchers explain, they have access to information that goes as far back as a baby’s prenatal life. And by studying twins, Prof Arora and colleagues were able to separate genetic influences from environmental ones.
To determine how much metal the babies’ bodies contained before and after birth, the researchers used lasers to analyse the growth rings on the babies’ teeth.
Laser technology allowed the scientists to accurately extract specific layers of dentine, which is the substance that lies beneath the tooth enamel.
In much the same way that we can tell the age of a tree by looking at the growth rings in a cross-section of its trunk, the scientists were able to see different developmental stages correspond to different rings by looking at a cross-section of the babies’ teeth.
This correspondence between growth dentine layers, their levels of lead, and the exposure to lead during different developmental stages, has been previously demonstrated by Prof Arora and team in research they carried out previously.
Cindy Lawler, PhD, head of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Genes, Environment, and Health Branch, explains the importance of using this scientific method for studying autism:
“We think autism begins very early, most likely in the womb, and research suggests that our environment can increase a child’s risk. But by the time children are diagnosed at age 3 or 4, it’s hard to go back and know what the moms were exposed to. With baby teeth, we can actually do that.”
The study revealed that children with ASD had much higher levels of lead throughout their development.
The greatest difference between lead levels in children with ASD and children without was noticed during the period after birth.
Zinc levels, on the other hand, displayed a more complex pattern. During the prenatal period, children with ASD had lower levels of zinc, but after birth, these levels increased to higher levels than those found in children without ASD.
Finally, manganese was found to correlate with ASD as well. Children with ASD seemed to have less manganese than children without, both pre- and postnatally.
Overall, the study suggests that either prenatal exposure to heavy metals, or the body’s ability to process them, may influence the chances of developing autism.
“A lot of studies have compared current lead levels in kids that are already diagnosed,” Lawler says. “[But] being able to measure something the children were exposed to long before diagnosis is a major advantage.”
David Balshaw, PhD, head of the NIEHS Exposure, Response, and Technology Branch, also weighs in on the scientific method used for this study, saying, “There is growing excitement about the potential of baby teeth as a rich record of a child’s early life exposure to both helpful and harmful factors in the environment.”

Prof Arora called the method “a window into our fetal life.” He and his colleagues note, however, that more large-scale studies are needed to replicate and confirm their findings.

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

20 Reasons for Straightening Teeth with Invisalign

Myth Buster #1...Braces are just for kids. 

I)  We can move teeth on children as well as senior citizens

II)  We have options of Invisalign clear aligners as well as clear ceramic brackets and tooth colored wires in additional to the traditional metal brackets.

Myth Buster #2... I am used to my smile, and braces are just to make my teeth look nice. 

 I)  Yes braces will make your teeth look nice and that is a plus.  Here are 20 reasons you should straighten your teeth. Did you know that people with straight teeth and nice smiles are judged by others to be:

      1)  Smarter
      2)  Happier
      3)  More Successful
      4)  More Attractive
      5)  Healthier
      6)  More Popular

II)  People with proper aligned teeth will actually be healthier  and spend less money at the dentist in the long run. They will have less:

     7)  Tooth Wear
     8)  Chipping of front teeth
     9)  Breaking of back teeth
    10)  Gum Disease
    11)  Cavities
    12)  Root Canals
    13)  Missing Teeth
    14)  Gum Recession and Sensitivity
    15)  Food Packing and Bad Breath
    16) Dental Visits and Emergencies
    17) Implants, Crowns, Bridges, Partials, Dentures, Dental Surgery
    18) Lower medical and dental bills
    19) TMJ issues
    20) Medical Issues Related to Poor Digestion

Myth Buster #3... Invisalign is only for simple adult  cases.

1) Invisalign works great on simple cases where only a few aligners are needed and is the preferred method of making minor corrections.

2) Invisalign has evolved quite a bit and works well on complicated cases.

3)  Invisalign Teen with special features works well on teenagers.

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