Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lifetime Dentistry-Crystal Lake Dentist

Lifetime Dentistry

Importance of Regular and Preventive care

Today regular and preventive dental care is more important than  ever. almost daily researchers are finding strong links between dental disease and systemic diseases. Periodontal disease bacteria have been linked to Alzheimer disease, colon cancer, diabetes, stroke, and coronary heart disease. Obstructive Sleep Apnea  a disease of airway blockage at night) is linked to snoring, ADHD, poor grades in school, behavior problems, ear infections, malocclusion, facial deformity, allergies, tonsillitis, failure to thrive, poor growth  and others in children. In adults, this condition leads to diabetes, overweight, daytime drowsiness (#1 cause of vehicle accidents), heart disease, stroke, headaches, nighttime bruxing (tooth grinding), snoring, poor sleep for bed partners, and other systemic conditions. Tooth Decay is the most common communicable disease on earth.
Abscesses from tooth decay cause loss of time from work and school. Abscessed teeth have lead to death, and other abscesses in the body.

These Three Huge Diseases are Controllable or Preventable by Dentists. 

1 Airway problems

Normal developing children should have adequate room for the teeth, a normal swallow pattern and no thumb or finger habits. In addition, they should be able to easily breath through their nose, normal sized tonsils and adenoids. and have no snoring at night. Early diagnosis of enlarged tonsils, abnormal swallow habits, allergies, improper bite and tooth position and altered breathing in children are signs of impending problems with airway development. This can be treated early by dentists with interceptive orthodontics, and recommendations for clearing the airway by and ENT. If these problems are not corrected early, a lifetime of problems await including an average loss of 8 to 12 years of life.

2 Gum Disease

Gum disease is a contagious disease  Most adults have some form of periodontal disease. Periodontal (gum) disease is usually caused by  a combination of biology (inflammatory response), trauma, bacteria, food wedging around teeth, and poor oral hygiene. The ability of a person's biology to resist gum disease varies greatly. Left untreated one gum pocket can spread to the entire mouth causing loss of all teeth. Gum disease drags down the immune system making a person susceptible to many other life threatening diseases including diabetes,  heart disease stroke, cancer, and others.  Gum disease can be controlled but remains chronic in most cases. Treatment often involves correcting the bite, improved oral hygiene, and cleaning out the bacterial pockets.

3 Tooth Decay (caries)

Tooth decay is a contagious disease as well as a bacterial infection. It is the most common disease in the modern world.  Many patient's worst fear when visiting the dentist is having a cavity, yet they often will avoid the dentist till something hurts. Left untreated tooth decay can lead to extremely painful cavities, abscessed teeth, and expensive treatment. Pain is not a good indicator of early decay which is easily treated. Tooth decay is on the rise in young children partly due to the high intake of sweets and carbohydrates. Fluoride has helped fight decay by making the teeth more resistant to bacterial acid attack. New advances in decay detection including digital x-rays, DIAGNOdent laser detection, and the use of magnification are helping catch decay earlier. The use of dental sealants, and topical fluoride also help to reduce the chance of decay in the future. Flossing and adequate brushing as well as controlling the amount of sugar and carbohydrate intake can greatly reduce decay.

How to manage the Big Three

Prevention, and early detection and early treatment. Going to a preventive oriented dentist who prescribes Lifetime Dentistry early and regularly is the key.When caught early and corrected, orthodontic problems, airway issues, gum disease, and tooth decay can be kept is check. The benefit is a healthier, happier, better looking, longer lasting body and life. A side benefit is less ultimate cost for dental and health care.

Why would you not want this for yourself and your loved ones?

Call Today

815 459 2202


 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about Lifetime Dentistry at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Your comments are welcome

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sensitive Teeth-cCrystal Lake Dentist

Sentitive Teeth

What causes sensitive teeth?

Teeth are composed of 3 layers:

1) Enamel...the hard white outer layer
2) Dentine the softer yellow layer with nerve endings
3) Pulp (nerve) the pink fleshy layer

Imagine a tooth like the M & M candy with the enamel layer which covers the tooth to the gum line as a hard outer shell, and the dentine as the soft inner layer. The hard enamel layer has no nerves in it. It protects the inner layers from most sensitivity to stimuli like hot and cold. Likewise the gum tissue protects the tooth from sensitivity. 

It the enamel wears away, or the gum recedes, the dentine which is filled with nerve endings is exposed. These nerve endings can transmit pain when touched (tooth brushing), heated or cooled (hot/cold foods) or coated with acid (from bacteria metabolizing carbohydrates {sweets}).  Cavities can cause tooth sensitivity. Gum disease can also cause sensitivity. Severe wear or teeth not fitting together properly can cause sensitivity.

How Can I Stop  Sensitivity?

 See your dentist to make sure there are no cavities, or other problems causing the sensitivity.
If the cause is eased dentine on the root of the tooth, there are a few things you can do at home. You can try desensitizing toothpastes, and avoid whitening toothpastes which can be overly aggressive. Be careful to brush properly and gently near thegum line. Make sure you are brushing after eating sweets.

What Can The Dentist Do For Sensitivity?

A cavity or a notch in the root can be filled in.  Gum disease can be treated as well as a poor bite. A mouth guard can be fitted to reduce tooth wear. Some areas of receding gum tissue can be corrected by recovering the roots with a graft.
Fluoride treatments and special high fluoride toothpastes can be prescribed by your dentist. In addition, a new treatment is available called "Seal and Protect". This simple procedure that is applied by a dental hygienist can protect sensitive roots for up to 3 years per application. Results are immediate and no shots or drilling is needed.

Call Today

815 459 2202

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about Root Canals at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Your comments are welcome