Monday, September 23, 2013

Root Canals Update-Crystal Lake Dentist

Root Canal Treatment Has Evolved

Root canal treatment is many centuries old. Root canal treatment in text books goes back to the 17th Century.  Many methods of treating and filling the canals have been tried with mixed success.The first use of Gutta Percha ( a rubbery filling material goes back to 1847). Over the centuries, many discoveries have been made in the field of Endodontics (Root Canals). As with all of the other healing sciences, time, study, and experimentation brings improvements in understanding and methods of treatment.

What has changed in in Root Canal Treatment Lately?

A lot has changed since I graduated form dental school. Root Canal treatment in particular has gone through several revolutions in the past few decades.Though the basic concept of cleaning, shaping, disinfecting  and sealing the Root Canal System is unchanged, the methods have improved tremendously.  New materials, techniques, and research has led to many recent breakthroughs. Some portions of the technique I am describing below did not exist as recently as two years ago.

State of the Art Techniques for Cleaning and Shaping Root Canals

The use of Magnification, and improved materials the improves the comfort, safety, and predictability of root canal treatment. Electronic Apex locators, and Digital x-rays greatly improve our ability to determine the length and configuration of root canal systems. Ultrasonic diamond coated shaping tips help to quickly identify the top of the canal system. The recent reintroduction of extremely sensitive computer driven reciprocating handpiece improves the treatment. By incorporating  a new generation of Nickle Titanium files called the Wave One System and M-wire, we have a more accurate shaping or the canals. The use of several cleaning and disinfecting agents including  NaOCl, EDTA, Chlorhexadine, and  Surfactants that are sonically activated lead to a much better cleaning and sterilization of the complete root canal system. This system removes debris, and bacteria from the tooth more efficiently, throughly and safely that possible in the past.

Filling the Root Canal  System

First we thoroughly dry the root canal system using sterile Paper points.Following this, small amount of sealer which is CaOH based (disinfects and helps healing) and warmed 100 % Gutta Percha is placed in the canal system space. (Warmed Gutta Percha has been found to penetrate the canal system more thoroughly providing the best possible seal.)

Core Buildup and Crown
No root Canal treatment is considered complete until the tooth has been restored to function. This means that a core buildup is placed in the root canal Chamber (the top portion leading the the canal system). This tooth can now function for a short period of time like this. The tooth will need a crown if it is not in the very front of the mouth (it may still need a crown if there has been much damage to it from wear, caries or fracture).

We use the Wave One Endodontic System at Crystal Lake Dental Associates

Call Today

815 459 2202

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about Root Canals at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Your comments are welcome

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tooth Whitening For Life-Crystal Lake Dentist

What Is Free White For Life?

White for life is a program we have developed to thank our loyal patients. Regular dental check ups are essential for healthy living. As I have reported here, there are are several serious medical conditions associated with poor dental health. In addition, a beautiful healthy smile has a very positive effect on a persons relationships and self 


 How Does This Program Work?

At your first checkup visit, or anytime you desire to whiten your teeth, we offer an initial whitening series for $49.00 (a $350.00 value). At this time we take impressions of your teeth and make custom whitening trays and set a time to deliver the trays with enough whitening gel to brighten your smile. Usually a two week supply is all that is needed, but if you desire, we can give you additional gel. At each professional check-up visit, we give you an additional tube of touch-up whitening gel for free.

Do You Whiten Teeth Before Cosmetic Dentistry?

In fact that is one of the first things I recommend when considering any major changes in your smile. After whitening, we match any new dental work to the new tooth shade after they have been whitened. I will often include the white for life program for free to encourage patients to have the best result in a cosmetic or functional change to their smile.

Are There Any Restrictions?

This program is for regulate patients of our practice who plan on having us provide their routine care and check-ups. Some degree os tooth sensitivity can be expected by most people for the main portion of the two week whitening procedure. In addition, I need to make sure you are a candidate for whitening. For instance, if you have very sensitive teeth or unfilled cavities, they would need addressing. Also, if you have several fillings or other  restorations in front teeth, I would discuss how these may be affected by whitening.

Is Whitening Safe For Teeth?

Yes, the same chemical used in whitening, is also made and used by the body. The chemical (Hydrogen Peroxide) is deactivated by the body fairly quickly. I do not recommend whitening during pregnancy or while nursing however. Though whitening is very safe, some people can become addicted to whitening like many other things in life, and this can weaken the teeth in time.

How Do I Get Started?

Just call our office for an appointment or a free evaluation.

Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about Intercepotive Orthodontics at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Your comments are welcome