Friday, October 19, 2012

Food Pantry-Crystal Lake Dentist

 Crystal Lake Dental Associates is helping restock local food pantries


 815 459 2202
 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about dental care at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Your comments are welcome

Monday, October 1, 2012

National Dental Hygiene Month-Crystal Lake Dentist

October is National Dental Hygiene Month

If you are due or overdue for your checkup, this is a good time to make an appointment. The back to school rush is over and the kids are now in a routine. You have a schedule now that you know so you can check your calendar and give your dentist a call.

If you do not have a dentist, and you live in or near Crystal Lake, we are taking new patients. Our Motto is "Pampered Patients...State of the Art Dental Care".

What to expect

Dental insurance

We are on several dental plans, so your insurance should work fine with our office... a quick call will help find out if we are a good office for your plan.We are very knowledgeable about dental insurance, and can help you determine any out of pocket costs. In addition we have many ways and plans to help you pay your portion.

What we do

We do take great interest in your entire well being and will take a medical/dental history as well as encourage to tell us about your wants, needs and fears. 
The dental hygienist will greet you and review your information. We recommend a current set of radiographs and can assist you if current films are at another office. We will do a thorough examination of your mouth including oral cancer screening.  Your gums and teeth will be evaluated along with your bite and TMJ. Dr. Neal will review your findings and concerns. If all is great, the hygienist will clean your teeth and we will schedule in our recare system to keep your mouth healthy and clean, If there is any dental care needed, we will go over the appointments and any fees. 

To learn more about our office, please visit our website at

Call today for an appointment!                         815 459 2202           

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about dental care at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Your comments are welcome

Monday, September 24, 2012

Teeth in an Hour, Teeth in a Day, All on 4, All on 6, Zygoma Implants- Crystal Lake Dental Associates

Teeth in an Hour- what is it? 

Teeth in a day, Teeth in an Hour, All on 4, All on 6, Zygoma implants

These phrases all refer to a basic stabilizing effect of locking 4 or more angled implants together at the time of placement in the jaw in a temporary fixed bridge or modified denture.

Am I a candidate for Teeth in an Hour?

If you have few or no teeth, an existing denture you wish to get rid of, you are probably a candidate. In the past, bone grafting and long healing periods were needed to provide enough bone for implant supported fixed bridges. With 3D CT scans, and new techniques, we are often  able to locate enough usable bone for implant placement.
When adequate bone is identified in certain areas, a surgeon-dentist-lab technician team can simultaneously place implants, and secure them with special parts to a pre-made or existing bridge or denture. In this way a patient can walk in with no teeth (or a removable denture) and walk out the same day with a fixed set of teeth. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teeth in an Hour

The advantages of this technique are:

  • Ease of the procedure
  • Ability to avoid painful bone grafting procedures
  • Potential of immediate loading at the surgical appointment
  • Decreased cost to the patient
  • Drastically improved aesthetics
  • Can be performed on the partially or fully edentulous patient
  • Ease of maintenance 
  • Can be done as a flapless procedure when using NobelGuide™ guided surgery protocol

The main disadvantage is
  •  Cost verses a conventional denture (or implant/ mini implant retained lower denture). 

Does everyone get the same set of teeth in “Teeth in an Hour”?

Your fixed bridge is customized just for you. There are several different configurations and combinations of implants and fixed bridges that will work. Much of the decision on which combination will work best is dependant on the location and amount of available bone as well as the patient’s esthetic and speech requirements.

Getting started

In order to get started, you can schedule a free consultation with Dr. Neal to discuss your particular needs and he can give you an estimated fee range fro your situation. After this Dr. Neal can schedule the appropriate records needed to begin. You will meet with Dr. Neal and the surgeon to plan your transformation day.   
After the placement of the implants and fixed bridge, you will have a few follow up appointments to observe proper healing and fit of the bridge. 

Final fixed Bridge

 At about 6 months, the implants will be evaluated for integration and placement of the final fixed bridge.

Do I need to go to one of the large clinics for this procedure?

Many local dental offices offer this great service. These offices work closely with the local oral surgeon and dental lab to provide the same level of care as the larger centrally located implant clinic. In addition you have the advantage of a neighborhood dentist to maintain your new implant supported fixed bridge as well as all of your, and your family’s regular dental care.
Dr Neal has been restoring implants for decades. In addition he has been placing and maintaining his own implants for the past 10 years.

Call today for an appointment!             815 459 2202    

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about, Teeth in a Day, Teeth in an Hour, All on 4, All on 6,  Dental Implants, Bridges, Dentures, and Implant Supported Dentures, and Fixed Bridges Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Your comments are welcome

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dental Humor-Crystal Lake Dentist

A little dental humor to brighten your day.

Have a great day and keep smiling

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014

                                    815 459 2202                 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sealants, Invisalign, braces,and Crowns in September-Crystal Lake Dentist

Exciting things going on since it's my birthday including these offers:
1 half (1/2) off all sealants during September
2 Invisalign special extended all month ($1,000 off all Invisalign and regular ortho cases)
3 crown day Sept 26th ($200 off all crowns that day).

Call today for an appointment! 815 459 2202

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about  Sealants, Invisalign, and Crowns at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dentures, Implants,Overdentures-Crystal Lake Dentist

New hope for denture wearers

Denture wearers now have options to improve retention with snap attachments to dental implants and mini dental implants.
Some of the more popular methods to convert an ill fitting lower dentures are:
  1. A bar connecting 2 or more implants called a hader bar or a bar with individual snaps
  2. Independent regular implants snaps to retain a denture
  3. Mini implants that  can snap over an o-rings in a  metal housing held in the denture.


I have worked with all three of these snap-on systems and each has its particular advantages and disadvantages. I will cover them in more detail below.

The hader bar

The hader bar consists of 2 or more implants and a custom cast metal bar connecting the implants. The denture houses one or more metal retainers and plastic clips.

The advantages of this system are:
1.     The implants do not have to be placed parallel (which is challenging to do and not always possible).
2.     The retention is good and depending on the configuration, one or several retentive clips can be placed increasing retention.
3.     If the bar has implants placed in both the back and front areas of the jaws, there is almost no movement of the denture during use.
4.     Can be used for upper and lower dentures.
5.     Implants can be loaded immediately if planned and a computer generated surgical guide system with CT scan is utilized. The implants are splinted with the  computer milled titanium bar
The disadvantages are:
  1. Full sized implants must be placed.
  2. The cast bar increases the cost.
  3. The casting steps to the process
  4. Due to the height needed some patients may not have enough vertical space available for this type if retention system unless the bite is opened or the bone is surgically lowered.
  5. The cost is highest due to the type of implants needed, the lab procedures for the cast bar, and additional appointments.

Cast bar with ERA or Locator attachments

This type of system utilizes a cast bar and has 2 to several retentive clips soldered onto it. The 2 most common brands of clips are Locator and ERA.

 The advantages of this system are:
1.     The implants do not have to be parallel (which is challenging to do and not always possible).
2.     The retention can be increased with multiple clips.
3.     If the bar has implants placed in both the back and front areas of the jaws, there is almost no movement of the denture during use.
4.     Can be used for upper and lower dentures.

The disadvantages are:
1.   Full sized implants must be placed.
  1. The cast bar increases the .
  2. The casting adds steps to the process.
  3. Due to the height needed some patients may not have enough vertical space without modification.
  4. The cost is highest due to the type of implants needed, the lab procedures for the cast bar, and additional appointments.

Locator clip or ERA clip

The Locator/ERA type clip can be directly attached to 2 or more regular sized implants and provide good retention.

The advantages of these systems are:
1.     Lower cost than the bar system.
2.     Less time involved in fabricating as it is done chairside.
3.     Less vertical clearance is needed verses a bar system.
4.     Can be used for upper and lower dentures.

Mini Implant system

The Mini implant system consists of 4 or more implants placed in the across the front of the lower jaw and housings placed in the lowe3r denture with o-rings for retention.

The advantages are:
1.     Immediate loading of the implants (the entire process from implant placement to denture housing and loading of the housings can be done in about 1 hour
2.     Lowest cost of all. Lower cost of the mini implants (about ½ the cost of conventional implants each).
3.     Less bone is required for placement in atrophic jaws
4.     Fast healing as no tissue flaps are needed in most cases to view the site
5.     Less discomfort due to the smaller size and simple placement technique
6.     Do not have to be perfectly parallel with each other
Disadvantages  are:
1.     Can only be placed in lower jaw due to lower density of the bone in the upper jaw.
2.     May not be able eliminate some slight denture movement in the back when chewing (usually not a problem)
3.     Cannot be mixed with regular implants very easily.

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about  implants, dentures, and overdentures  at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014

                                    815 459 2202          

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Special day special offer Crystal Lake Dentist

In Celebration of Dr. Neal's 35 years in Dentistry, we are offering July 24 as a special crown day. $100.00 off crowns to the 1st 50 people who call to schedule today!

815 459 2202 today
Philip C. Neal DDS

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Back to School-Crystal Lake Dentist

Back to school, back to the dentist.

Back to school planning
At this time of year, many of you are making a back-to-school checklist for your kids. New clothes and school supplies are a given. But have you given any thought to their dental care?
Tooth decay is one of the biggest health issues among children, accounting for over 51 million hours of school time lost every year. What’s more, poor dental health in youth can lead to chronic problems like discomfort, difficulty chewing and the need for painful and expensive procedures down the road.
Child dental exams an important of back-to-school plans
An annual back-to-school dental checkup is an easy way to help prevent these problems. It’s so important, Illinois actually require children to get a dental exam before entering certain grades in school. Illinois requires a dental exam before entering kindergarten, 2nd grade and 6th grade.
Regular dental exams do more than catch tooth decay. They also let us see if teeth are growing in properly, monitor the results of their brushing and flossing techniques (and give lessons, if necessary), and apply fluoride treatments or protective sealants that can prevent decay before it happens. If your kids play sports or engage in other activities that might cause oral injuries, we can fit them for protective mouth guards.
Mouthguards are important in protecting your teeth during sports
If your kids are in college, planning checkups during school breaks can ensure that they’re receiving regular professional dental care. And even if they’re too young for school, your kids are probably old enough to go to the dentist. The ADA recommends babies start seeing a dentist when their first tooth comes in, usually when they’re between 6 and 12 months old.
So while you’re making back-to-school plans, plan on bringing your kids in for a visit. And for extra credit, try these fun tips for sending them to school with a smile: 
Pick up dental supplies during back-to-school shopping
1.                         Buy new toothbrushes: While they’re getting new notebooks, pens and other supplies, why not let them pick out a new toothbrush? While you’re at it, pick up two — one for home and one to bring to school.
2.                         Make a dental care kit for school: To encourage them to brush after lunch and snacks, buy a zippered plastic-lined bag and include a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss.
3.                         Pack dental-friendly lunches and snacks: Fruit, nuts, string cheese and bottled water are all good choices. Avoid sticky foods like raisins or fruit leather, as they can cause cavities.
4.                         Start a reward system: Encourage good dental exams like you encourage good grades — with a prize like a night at the movies, a new video game or other coveted item.
Add a reward system to your routine for better dental checkups

Need to make an appointment for your kids, or even yourself?

 Simply call 815 459 2202 today.

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about Back-to-School exams at Crystal Lake Dental Associates.

Phillip C. Neal DDSCrystal Lake Dental Associates280 B Memorial CourtCrystal Lake, Illinois 60014            815 459 2202

Your comments are welcome

Monday, June 18, 2012

HPV Oral Cancer in the News Crystal Lake Dentist

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Incidence Rising.

A virus lives inside a cell

What is HPV?
HPV is a group viruses. These like all viruses live inside cells. When they enter a cell, they take over and use the cell's reproductive capacity to reproduce themselves and thus spread. Most viruses have a short life outside the body and are usually species specific (you cannot catch a virus from your dog and vice versa).
The HPV virus causes a type of wart (papilloma). 
HPV  papilloma on the skin

What is the History of HPV?
It was first discovered in the 1950's. In 1972 the association with skin cancer and HPV5 was made. A few years later it was learned that there was a link between HPV 16, HPV18 and cervical cancers. More recently a link between these same HPV strains (16 and 18) and certain oral cancers has been established.

How is HPV passed?
HPV can be passed by kissing

HPV is commonly considered a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Skin to skin contact is usually necessary to pass the virus. A sexual act is not necessary to pass it. Deep Kissing and Oral Sex can cause HPV infections of the mouth. It has been postulated that drinking from the same glass has passed the virus from an infected individual to another in rare instances. 

What are the chances of getting HPV?

chances are high thay all of you will get HPV at some time

Almost everyone will be infected with a strain of HPV at some time in their life. There many strains of HPV. The majority of these are usually self limiting and of no consequence. 

Are some HPV infections dangerous?
Some are dangerous but most are not. Most of the time, HPV is self limiting. The virus can be dormant for years and appear/reappear at any time. The body's natural immune system normally will get rid of the virus.

Why is HPV on the rise?
Changes in sexual activity are the driver in the increase of HIV, HPV, and other STD's. People are experimenting with sex at very early ages. Oral sex has become very popular as one way to prevent pregnancy. This is leading to a drastic rise in oral HPV infections.

Why are we concerned about oral HPV?
The 2 strains of HPV that lead to cancer are causing a rapid increase in oral cancer among the younger adult population. This group was low risk for oral cancer in the past and now is the fastest growing group. Oral cancer has a low survival rate when detected late.

What can be done HPV?
Parents, this means your children are at risk as well as you. Since deep kissing is all that is needed to pass this virus, children who are not sexually active can still develop oral HPV and oral cancer.
  • Changing social behavior though not easy is the best method of eliminating this epidemic.
  • Consider getting vaccinated against the most common and deadly forms of HPV at an early age.
  • Get yourself and your children tested for HPV.
  • Make sure your gynecologist and dentist are doing regular cancer screenings.

What does the dentist do?
a visual and digital oral cancer screening is a good start
Vizilite for advanced oral cancer screening

oral CDX swabbing a suspected area
Velscope advanced oral cancer detection

There are 4 ways that a dentist can screen for oral cancer.
  • A visual and digital exam (look and feel)
  • A Vizilite exam using a dye and special light
  • Oral CDX swab for cancer cells of a suspicious area
  • Velscope exam ( a special light and filter)
Is something is unusual, the dentist may want to check it again in 2 weeks to see if it has cleared up and or refer for a biopsy.

What We Recommend.
If your dentist's office is not doing at least a visual/ digital screening for oral cancer at every checkup, find a new dentist. We use the Velscope VX and strongly recommend an advanced oral tissue scan on everyone age 14 and up every 6 months.

References for HPV vaccine.

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about HPV and advanced oral cancer detection at Crystal Lake Dental

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014
                                    815 459 2202           

Your comments are welcome