Monday, June 18, 2012

HPV Oral Cancer in the News Crystal Lake Dentist

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Incidence Rising.

A virus lives inside a cell

What is HPV?
HPV is a group viruses. These like all viruses live inside cells. When they enter a cell, they take over and use the cell's reproductive capacity to reproduce themselves and thus spread. Most viruses have a short life outside the body and are usually species specific (you cannot catch a virus from your dog and vice versa).
The HPV virus causes a type of wart (papilloma). 
HPV  papilloma on the skin

What is the History of HPV?
It was first discovered in the 1950's. In 1972 the association with skin cancer and HPV5 was made. A few years later it was learned that there was a link between HPV 16, HPV18 and cervical cancers. More recently a link between these same HPV strains (16 and 18) and certain oral cancers has been established.

How is HPV passed?
HPV can be passed by kissing

HPV is commonly considered a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Skin to skin contact is usually necessary to pass the virus. A sexual act is not necessary to pass it. Deep Kissing and Oral Sex can cause HPV infections of the mouth. It has been postulated that drinking from the same glass has passed the virus from an infected individual to another in rare instances. 

What are the chances of getting HPV?

chances are high thay all of you will get HPV at some time

Almost everyone will be infected with a strain of HPV at some time in their life. There many strains of HPV. The majority of these are usually self limiting and of no consequence. 

Are some HPV infections dangerous?
Some are dangerous but most are not. Most of the time, HPV is self limiting. The virus can be dormant for years and appear/reappear at any time. The body's natural immune system normally will get rid of the virus.

Why is HPV on the rise?
Changes in sexual activity are the driver in the increase of HIV, HPV, and other STD's. People are experimenting with sex at very early ages. Oral sex has become very popular as one way to prevent pregnancy. This is leading to a drastic rise in oral HPV infections.

Why are we concerned about oral HPV?
The 2 strains of HPV that lead to cancer are causing a rapid increase in oral cancer among the younger adult population. This group was low risk for oral cancer in the past and now is the fastest growing group. Oral cancer has a low survival rate when detected late.

What can be done HPV?
Parents, this means your children are at risk as well as you. Since deep kissing is all that is needed to pass this virus, children who are not sexually active can still develop oral HPV and oral cancer.
  • Changing social behavior though not easy is the best method of eliminating this epidemic.
  • Consider getting vaccinated against the most common and deadly forms of HPV at an early age.
  • Get yourself and your children tested for HPV.
  • Make sure your gynecologist and dentist are doing regular cancer screenings.

What does the dentist do?
a visual and digital oral cancer screening is a good start
Vizilite for advanced oral cancer screening

oral CDX swabbing a suspected area
Velscope advanced oral cancer detection

There are 4 ways that a dentist can screen for oral cancer.
  • A visual and digital exam (look and feel)
  • A Vizilite exam using a dye and special light
  • Oral CDX swab for cancer cells of a suspicious area
  • Velscope exam ( a special light and filter)
Is something is unusual, the dentist may want to check it again in 2 weeks to see if it has cleared up and or refer for a biopsy.

What We Recommend.
If your dentist's office is not doing at least a visual/ digital screening for oral cancer at every checkup, find a new dentist. We use the Velscope VX and strongly recommend an advanced oral tissue scan on everyone age 14 and up every 6 months.

References for HPV vaccine.

 Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about HPV and advanced oral cancer detection at Crystal Lake Dental

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014
                                    815 459 2202           

Your comments are welcome

Monday, June 11, 2012

Oral Cancer Detection with Velscope Crystal Lake Dentist

Oral cancer rates are increasing
Currently over 600.000 cases of oral cancer are diagnosed worldwide each year. In the US one person per hour dies from Oral Cancer. Earlyg detection is key for a high survival
Traditionally oral cancer was seen in males over age 50 who use tobacco and alcohol. This is rapidly changing due to the rapid spread of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

HPV Spread
You will most likely be infected with some form of HPV in your lifetime*. Most strains of HPV are self limiting, however HPV 16 and HPV 18 have been strongly linked to cervical and oral cancer. The various ways HPV can be spread through skin contact is quite alarming.

Oral Cancer Screening in the News
The spread of oral cancer and need for screening has been  in the media and on some of the more popular TV doctor shows. In this clip Dr. Oz discussed oral cancer and the need for the Velscope exam at every checkup.  Velscope Oral Cancer Screening - Dr. Oz June 2011
In tghis link, Several doctors  on "the Doctors" show discuss sexual transmission of HPV and the need for a Velscope exam. VELscope on The Doctors. 


Velscope is easy to use

Why Use the VELscope Vx?

The VELscope's blue light stimulates natural fluorescense in the soft tissues of your mouth.
Natural fluorescence, seen through the VELscope Vx, allows dental professionals to see disease not visible with the naked eye
The VELscope Vx helps us discover oral disease BEFORE it can be seen under ordinary light.

VELscope Vx:

The Two-Minute Exam That Could Save Your Life

How many little sores do we find in our mouths? Dozens? Hundreds? More? Most of the time we ignore them, and they simply go away.
But sometimes our mouths keep secrets. That's why we use the VELscope Vx Enhanced Oral Assessment system.

normal oral tissue under white light

normal tissue under Velscope

oral cancer under white light

oral cancer under Velscope ( note the dark area)

The VELscope Vx Helps Us:

Improve our assessment of your overall oral health.
Ensure that the delicate tissues of your mouth are healthy.
Protect you from oral disease, including oral cancer.
All this in two minutes, with no rinses, stains or discomfort.

VELscope Vx - for a Clean Bill of Health

Helps dental professionals find oral mucosal abnormalities, including oral cancer
Over 10,000,000 examinations performed
Recognized by the World Health Organization
The most powerful tool available for assisting in the discovery of oral abnormalities

Oral Cancer and Oral Disease

The VELscope Vx helps us identify oral disease early, while it's still easy to treat.
One of the VELscope's most important tasks is to help locate areas that might, if not treated, progress to oral cancer.

  • Found early, oral cancer's 5-year survival rate is good: approx. 83%
  • Found late, oral cancer's 5-year survival rate is poor: approx. 32%
  • Clearly, finding oral cancer in its early stages is key to survival.

The VELscope Vx offers hope for the early discovery of oral disease, including precancer and cancer.

Risk Factors

Tobacco and chewing tobacco, along with alcohol, are the leading causes of oral cancer. Over the last four decades, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), known for its role in cervical cancedr, has been showing up in increasing numbers of oral cancer cases.


Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about advanced oral cancer detection at Crystal Lake Dental

Phillip C. Neal DDS
Crystal Lake Dental Associates
280 B Memorial Court
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014
                        815 459 2202     

Your comments are welcome

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Improved Cavity Detection Crystal Lake Dentist

Why Digital X-rays?

The diagnostic ability of digital x-rays now exceeds that of film with up to 90% radiation exposure.

New Software and Hardware Improves Cavity Detection

We have been using digital x-rays since 2000, and now with our new Kodak imaging system, we can  detect decay (cavities) with 90% accuracy (verses 70% previously)* Logicon  is a computer-aided-detection tool that provides  important decision-support instrument for better patient care. Logicon provides an electronic second opinion by analyzing tooth density and demineralization patterns for interproximal (between the teeth) caries (decay) to help search for caries (cavities or decay) and determine whether they exist in the enamel or dentin. With one click, Logicon automatically scans all proximal (between the teeth) surfaces in a bitewing radiograph and gives a preview of the patient’s state of proximal (between the teeth) caries.
Improved Patient Care 

The program also dramatic graphics and visual aids to help us communicate our diagnosis to patients in a way you can easily understand.treatment recommendations.

Automatically scans x-ray
Close up of decay pattern 
Density changes across decay site 
Probability of decay

We Diagnose Caries with More Confidence 

Logicon analyzes shades of gray (many more than the human eye can resolve), 
extracts caries related image features and correlates them with a database of 
known caries problems. In doing so, the software automatically highlights possible 
abnormalities on digital dental radiographs that otherwise might be missed, 
signaling the dentist to take a closer look at the tooth and surface involved. 

How It Works 

Logicon uses detection algorithms based on laboratory data produced in 
association with a leading school of dentistry. With one click Logicon scans all the 
proximal surfaces in a radiograph and highlights the decay sites on all of the teeth 
in one picture for quick review. Detailed information about the change in tooth 
density and lesion probability are saved for each surface and can be retrieved in 
graphical format. 

*Gakenheimer, David C. “The Efficacy of a Computerized Caries Detector in Intraoral Digital 
Radiography”. Journal of the American Dental Association133 (2002): 883-890 

In addition to our new Logicon Kodak imaging software, we have upgraded out sensors to Kodak 6100 system which provides a higher resolution for improved images.  

Added to that is our new quickcam intraoral imaging system. 



Our ability to detect and treat tooth decay is the best around with the use of DIAGNOdent, Carifree, Loupes (all clinical team members wear these to enhance our ability to diagnose and treat you).




We have also introduced our new Kodak 8000 pan/ceph machine which enables us to now take digital panoramic images and lateral cephalometric images.

Dr. Neal answers all of your questions about advanced decay detection at Crystal Lake Dental

Your comments are welcome